
A Look at All of the Falcons' Impossible Collapses Will Make You Question the Simulation

Seemingly lost in all of the Week 1 hoopla was the fact that the Falcons once again blew a double-digit fourth quarter lead in what would be shocking fashion for any other team. I think it speaks to how routinely they do this that I didn't really see many people talking about it nationally — and that I didn't even really care. It's just what we expect from this meme of a franchise.

But then I saw this graphic with just some of Atlanta's unthinkable losses over the last few years and it made me stop and really question if we live in a simulation. Hell, I don't even remember two of these games — this happens so often, I don't know how anyone could remember all of them.

My personal favorite of all the games pictured above was against the Cowboys when the Falcons seemingly forgot they were allowed to recover an onside kick before it went 10 yards and just stood there watching it.

THAT is Atlanta Falcons football.

There are dozens of more plays just like that from any one of these games because creating new ways to lose is just what the Falcons do. I'm sure by the end of  this season, we'll be able to add several more score bugs to that graphic.

You have to laugh to keep from crying.