
Skip Has Never Been More Correct. Cooper Rush Is Just As Good As Dak Prescott

People like Skip Bayless are hard to come by in today's world of sports media. Guys who call it like they see it. Guys who aren't in the business of just making up outlandish takes in order to generate views and ratings. Guys who just care about getting the facts straight. 

And the fact is that right now, you can make the case that Cooper Rush is almost as good as Dak. If I'm Jerry Jones, I am thanking the heavens above for blessing me with a Skip Bayless in my life. Because he might have just saved him from making one of the worst decisions possible. If Jerry Jones was contemplating on whether or not to bring in a new quarterback for these next 6-8 weeks while Dak is out with his hand injury, he'd be a USDA grade A certified bozo. There's no need to kick the tires on a guy like Jimmy G when you have Cooper Rush already in the lineup. Big Daddy Coop. The Rush Dawg. 

I mean there might even be an argument to be made that Cooper Rush is better than Dak, he just hasn't had enough chances to prove it. Skip is right. You gotta give the kid a chance. At the very least, you need to give him at least 5 more weeks to prove himself. If by, let's just say, October 17th he doesn't prove that he's just as good as Dak? Well then the Cowboys can look elsewhere in the QB market. But giving up on Cooper Rush at any point before week 6 would be gross negligence at the very least. Listen to Skip. 
