
Fat Leonard- An Obese Malaysian With Butthole Eyes- Is On The Run After Stealing 35 Million Dollars From The United States Navy

Widely known as “Fat Leonard” for his 350-pound, 6-foot-three stature, Malaysian businessman Francis cut his GPS monitoring ankle bracelet off on Sunday and fled his San Diego home, where he’s been under house arrest since 2018. 

The owner of Glenn Defense Marine Asia, a Singapore-based maritime ship servicing company with ports across the Asia-Pacific, Francis bribed his way into lucrative contracts with the U.S. Navy in the 2000s. At the heart of his sprawling corruption network was the USS Blue Ridge, a command ship that sails around Asia and serves as the floating headquarters for the U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet.

He would shower officers from the Blue Ridge with gifts—often involving luxury hotel cocktail parties, Michelin-star dining experiences, sex workers, and thousand-dollar bottles of booze and cigars—in exchange for classified ship schedules and other information. At one party in 2008, held at the Mandarin Oriental and the Makati Shangri-La hotels in Manila, the Philippines, prosecutors said Navy officers drank an entire inventory of Dom Pérignon Champagne and were entertained by “a rotating carousel of prostitutes.”

The above blurb is just the tip of the iceberg. Fat Leonard had nearly 60 admirals and dozens of other high ranking officials in his pocket for YEARS. The damage he caused the Navy really cant be understated. We start talking about Fat Leonard when you press play on the Youtube above. 

We also interviewed Brian Greer who was a high level attorney with the CIA. He's one of the folks who was tasked with going through all of Hillary's emails. He breaks down the Trump case for us. Give it a watch.