

To My Mets Fan Family, 

This message comes in a time of struggle. The New York Mets have lost 3 in a row by a combined score of 22-4 to the lowly Nationals, and Pirates. The division lead is now non existent. The Atlanta Braves have continued a red hot streak and are tied for the division lead. Mets fans are in a panic. 

Even I myself am making snide comments... 

When I woke up today, my attitude has officially changed. No more doom and gloom, no more the sky is falling. No more Duaner Sanchez cab incident, no more 2007 blown lead , no more 2008 blown lead, no more death by contact Royals, no more Conor Gillaspie. Looking in the past will doom us. Looking to the future will doom us. Live in the present. 

The Mets have two absolute HORSES at the top of their rotation. 

(Quickly gets alert about Scherzer going to the IL

Correction - The Mets have an absolute HORSE at the top of their rotation. 

Jacob deGrom has been nails this season, a ridiculous 2nd half when you look at the stats. 

Reminder: deGrom isn't a flash in the pan type pitcher. He's made a living being the filthiest pitcher in the league for the last 8 years.

So even with Scherzer on the IL, and our offense on the missing persons report. I am urging and pleading Mets fans to decide right now whether you are in the foxhole or not. If you think this is just another year, the same old Mets, or part of "cuncel" culture, then just give up now. Go put on your football team of choice, read books during the week, and we'll see you for 2023. That negative attitude isn't going to work here. It also shows you haven't watched this team and noticed all the details that make them enjoyable, and likable. 

Since the opening week when Buck Showalter wasn't afraid to mix it up with inner division rivals. 


He instilled an identity in this team to be hard nosed, play tough, and do the little things. 

All season they have listened. All season they make productive outs, take the extra base, limit mistakes, score after the other team scores (whether it's to tie a game, retake a lead, or get insurance runs after the opponent chips into the lead.) They drive up pitch counts, especially early in the game. It feels like every 1st inning the opposing pitcher is at 20-25 pitches. They don't swing at bad pitches. They rally to win games after a loss. They rally to come back to win games. They seem to like each other in the clubhous. And most importantly - they are good fundamental baseball players. 

I was against Buck being hired (solely because he refused to walk Jeter with an open first base in his final home game). But after 136 games, it's pretty evident he was the right guy for the job. He's exactly what this group needed. 

My other reminders to Mets fans is this:

1. Winning the division is supposed to be hard. 

2. The Braves are the defending World Series champions 

Let's start with #2 first. Teams don't just roll over. Did you expect the Braves , with a lineup of young stars like the goddamn Disney channel in the early 2000's, to just play dead? I didn't. You knew they would fight. You knew they had the talent to make a run. This is how division races go. Look around baseball. Which brings me back to my first point, winning a division is hard. 

Look at the Yankees, who played insanely well all year and have just a 4.5 game lead today. That's not a knock on the Yankees. Baseball is a long season, shit happens. Teams make up games, teams get hot, guys get injured, again…shit happens. 

In closing, two other thing to consider are these. 

The first is this. The New York Mets have made the playoffs in back-to-back season just twice. One of those is a bit fugazy anyway. In 2015 they made the World Series, and in 2016 they made the "play in" game. So not really a playoff appearance if you ask me. The only other time they made the playoffs back to back was 1999 and 2000. 

This is not a team with a storied history of success. It doesn't mean we shouldn't root any less hard or give up as fans. But let's call a spade a spade; successful season aren't exactly in our DNA. Which is more of a reason why we should enjoy the moment, cherish the good players, enjoy the good games, and get behind our team in a fight for their lives. 

Lastly, the Mets have been bad to sort of bad to underachieving for the last 8 years. In some of those years we LONGED for meaningful September games. We have them now. Embrace them. Live and die with every pitch. Rally for the team and take down this division from the godforsaken motherfucking Braves who've haunted us for the last 25 fucking years. 

Hit the music! 


PS- For all the shit Frank The Tank talks, I offered him a bet that if the Mets win the division he would have to give up his fandom for one year and root for The Yankees. He got real quiet and sat down and didn't say a word.  Shows he don't want the smoke. 

Giphy Images.


Rico Bo$co