
A High School Band Director In Ohio Was Ejected For Chewing Out The Refs Before The Game, Earning The Team A 15 Yard Penalty

And this is why high school football is and will continue to be the best kind of sports, specifically in small town places like the Ohio Valley. Where else are you going to find a band director that's going to chew out the refs to the point of ejection? And where else are you going to find refs that feel the need to throw a 15 yard penalty on a team because of an angry band director? Only in small town high school sports.

From what I've gathered, the band director (in his 1st year, 2nd game ever) was unhappy with how the referees walked behind the band while they played. Apparently this is a criminal offense in the eyes of band people. In some places, you may get away with such a heinous move, but not in Belmont County, Ohio. The Union Local band director proceeded to rip the asses of the head official, until he flagged the team 15 yards for Unsportsmanlike Conduct. You would think, you would think, that the Band Director would realize he just overstepped his bounds, but not this guy. He went at the rest of the crew until finally they decided this game would have to finish without the leader of the Marching Jets.

Let me say this: I love the passion of the band director, and I find it hilarious that the refs flagged him 15 yards. I don't think this band director is a loser whatsoever. In my eyes, if you want to have a tough football team that doesn't take shit from anyone, that starts at the top and must trickle throughout the entire program. Part of me assumes the Head Coach was pissed when the refs informed him of the 15 yard penalty on the kickoff to start the game, wondering why we even have a stupid band in the first place. However, part of me wonders if the Head Coach told the refs they could take that flag and jam it up their ass, giving a Remember the Titans type speech to his team that Buckeye Local better not gain another yard all night.

And they basically didn't.