
BREAKING NEWS: Patrick Sharp And Troy Murrary Will Replace Ed Olczyk On The Blackhawks TV Broadcast

Absolutely PERFECT move for the Blackhawks here. The Edzo situation was ugly and embarrassing for everyone involved, but the Blackhawks pivoted to a new team and I would say it was the best possible solution on the table. 

Anyone who has been a Blackhawks fan for the last I don't know...35 years LOVES Troy Murray. Universally known as a great guy. All the young millenials/Gen Z people who grew up on the dynasty while playing hockey has been listening to Troy Murrary in the car on the way to and from their own practices and games. The best news of all is that he's healthy enough to take on the grind of being an NHL broadcaster after battling cancer. I saw Troy at the prospect camp and he looked great. 

I am STUNNED that Patrick Sharp has agreed to do be part of this, but I am thrilled. I love Sharpie. I hope he can be himself and he let's that beautiful hair down a bit in the booth. He is genuinely hilarious. Great locker room guy, very smart, quick witted, loves the game. I don't know if we will get too many games with both of them in the booth, but I feel like they'd play very well off of each other. 

These two are also going to be the protectors for Colby Cohen and Chris Vosters. They were wearing bullseyes on their suits heading into the season through no fault of their own. Now, they can exhale and just do their job hopefully without the slings and arrows coming their way. Colby between the benches, Sharpie, Murray, and Vosters on the call...that has real potential to grow into a good booth in the next couple years while nobody is really paying attention. Be patient, be nice, appreciate the fact that the Blackhawks did the right thing in this situation.