
It May Be The NFL Preseason But We Have Regular Season Quality Fights Between Fans Taking Place In Jacksonville

You know a fight is good when a bunch of Jags fans are chanting "DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUVALLLLLLLL".

I'm sure there are thousands of brawls of similar quality taking place on a Saturday night down in Jacksonville. But this one tickled my old bloggers soul because it hammered home just how close real football is to returning since fans are beating the shit out of each other during meaningless NFL games and there was so much to take in amongst this cast of characters.

First off, I am choosing to believe that the lady yelling at the beginning of the video shown here:

Is the infamous "Steal The Show" woman from years ago.

Next you got multiple drinks being thrown from different directions, which immediately dials everything up to another level as Big T can attest to. We then had Coach Duggs' little brother throwing quite literal overhand rights as if he was Buzz Lightyear, likely in honor of his big bro taking a tough L in last nights Rough N Rowdy.

It was also eye-opening to find out that Duggs' brother didn't follow him into the coaching business but instead appears to be a plumber.

Most people would reference the guy in the Kenny Pickett jersey eating 100 punches while throwing fists of fury with what I imagine are cute little baby hands as the Steelers fan with the most impressive performance in this video. But I'm personally going to give that accolade to this fan of the black and yellow that calmly recorded the entire things looking cool as fuck with his slight lean because safety and angles are both so important when recording grown men trying to kill each other.


You know what this guy in the red shirt is?

A rabble rouser. If you see ANYONE wearing a shirt with a fish on the back of it, keep your head on a swivel because that guy is just waiting to hit you with a sucker punch from the blindside with the fury of a Lawrence Taylor sack.

However the most interesting character of this entire scrum was the jersey I did NOT see coming when I hit Play.


No, not the Gardner Minshew Eagles jersey, which to be clear was awesome. I'm talking about this guy in the Emmitt Smith Florida jersey that is the football version of Jeffrey Lebowski in my mind (The Dude, not the Big Lebowski).

Get that guy on Pardon My Take and I guarantee you will have an hour long interview that will leave you riveted the entire time along with the outside chance that he is responsible for 2-3 Florida Man stories written on this here smut site over the years.

All in all, I'm gonna give this fight 4.3 Balls because it went on way longer than I could've ever expected, changed locations, and had multiple twists which included girls both escalating the confrontation as well as trying to diffuse it.

Can't wait to hit the film tomorrow and see what happened in the pool throughout the night. 

If Goodell even THINKS of moving the Jags to London, we riot. Or make it mandatory that the stadium be filled with half Jacksonville residents for every game.
