
Stephen A. Smith Ripped The Yankees Today While Bashing Hank and Hal Steinbrenner - Only Problem Is That Hank Passed Away Two Years Ago

Justin Casterline. Getty Images.

Stephen A. Smith picks one day a year to talk baseball and attempt to trick the world that he watches the sport. Last year around this time he decided to question how Shohei Ohtani could be the face of baseball despite not speaking English. That went over well. 

Today he chose to unleash his fury on the New York Yankees. It's hot in the streets right now to rip the Yanks to shred so the wordsmith in Stephen A. gave it a whirl. Not exactly sure many people have gone the way he chose… 

For starters, of all the people to go after you decide to attack Aaron Judge for a few bad games? Just ignoring that prior to this four (4) game skid Judge had a slash of .403/.547/1.014 with 13 homers and 30 RBIs since the All Star Break. Not to mention how he leads the league in practically every offensive category for the whole season. There are a lot of people to point the finger at for the Yankees' struggles — Aaron Judge is not the guy. Josh Donaldson, Hicks, or Gleyber? Not even sure he knows they're on the team. Judge is still there for now so that was a safe guy to attack I suppose. 

The other part that made waves was towards the end of the rant after Smith applauded the job Steve Cohen had done with the Mets so far. Totally fair to compare how positive things look over in Queens to the sadness in the Bronx. The one thing I'll critique here is going after Hank Steinbrenner. Hank catching strays from the grave. I know Stephen A. doesn't pay a whole lot of attention, but maybe don't blame the dude who died in April of 2020 for the struggles the Yankees are enduring right now. Absolutely brutal. It's not like that was a simple mix up of names either. Stephen A confidently named both Hank and Hal as if he saw them together yesterday. 

"Forget about George, God rest his soul I miss that man. Hank and Hal ain’t tolerating that!"

Credit to Stephen A. I've crafted countless blogs and tweets trying to fix the Yankees. Never once did I think to blame a guy who has been deceased for two years. That's why they pay him the big bucks. Looking forward to next year's take quake.