
You'll Never Believe This But Aaron Rodgers Is Throwing Teammates Under The Bus Through The Media Again

“It’s unfortunately some of the same guys,” Rodgers said after a choppy practice against the New Orleans Saints on Tuesday. “Repeat mistakes [are] a problem, so we’ve just got to clean those things up a little bit. The young guys, especially young receivers, we’ve got to be way more consistent. A lot of drops, a lot of bad route decisions, running the wrong route. We’ve got to get better in that area.

You can always tell when the summer is ending. Days are getting shorter and so is Aaron Rodgers' patience. You can pretty much set your calendar to this part of camp if you're a media member in Green Bay. You know by the end of August you need to get to Aaron's locker because he will undoubtedly throw a young player who is fighting and clawing for a job in the NFL under the bus for not being Davante Parker or Jordy Nelson. You hate to see it. Now, I am sure there are Packer fans who will race to their keyboards to talk shit about the Bears, defend Rodgers, and drink down whatever he is selling like its ayahuasca. Then those same guys will complain in January when the season no doubt ends short of the Super Bowl. Then they wring their hands as Aaron criptically tweets about leaving or retirement and ends another engagement. These things go in cycles. Is the holier than thou smug bullshit where he embarasses his teammates publicly in training camp linked to playoff failure? I don't know. I am not a sports psychologist. Just doesn't feel like Rodgers is a guy that you'll run through a wall for at the end of the day. 

PS: I know how this season is going to go. I know I am going to be miserable. The only thing to do is take little shots here and there and wait for Rodgers to hang 40 on the Bears.