
Jets LB Almost Decapitates Jalen Hurts In Preseason Dirty Hit And Should Be Arrested On The Spot

I don't give a single shit who Williams is (or was after Jordan Mailata or Nick Sirianni finally gets to him). That's bush league. Absolute assault, felony worthy bush league. This is unacceptable in any season...but PRESEASON!?!?! Fine him. Jail him. Then drag and quarter him down Broad St when he's done with Seamus McCafferty. Good thing Jalen Hurts is a pro of all pros and continued on his perfect preseason drive to glory. 

Shades of Sam Bradford circa 2016 vs. the preseason Packers, baby! Let's hope it turns out a little better than that season. And they eventually run the ball with the starters, you know, at some point. Don't exactly wanna gonna go back to early 2021 offense that worked so beautifully! And yes, I hate me for thinking that way, too. 

As for the Jets, well, they're still the Goddamn Jets. Have fun, KFC.