
This Soccer Player Is The Biggest Asshole In All Of Sports

You simply can't be a bigger asshole. If you're going to do the whole bell and whistle routine you need to 1) make sure that ball is on net and 2) that shot better go in. You can't get saved and you sure as shit can't boot it that far off. Dude is the biggest asshole in sports. I'm trying to think of something comparable which is tough to do because PK's are fairly easy. I'm not even going to pretend if this is new or not. I don't care. It's going viral again and I don't need to know the details - besides it's 4-4 in PK's. This dude ruined it. 

It's a reply to this tweet, which is up there for assholes: 

That's up there. No doubt. At least he put it on target - albeit directly at the goalie. Just kick it man. Stop trying to do something crazy with your PK's. Get up, take your 3 steps or so and drill it into the corner. They all count for 1.