
Shane Wright Dropped A Lethal Death Stare At The Montreal Canadiens Draft Table After Falling To The #4 Pick Last Night

You gotta feel for Shane Wright. He was labeled as the top draft prospect in his class when he was granted exceptional status into the OHL as a 15-year-old back in 2019. It was pretty much Shane Wright and Matthew Savoie at the time. Then Shane Wright took off and put up 66 points in 58 games as an under-ager during his first season with the Kingston Frontenacs to really separate himself as the consensus 1st overall pick. Then the global pandemic happened, then Juraj Slafkovsky had a preposterous draft year by being the leading scorer in the Olympics as a 17-year-old and also had over a point per game at the World Championships for Slovakia. There were rumblings a few weeks before the draft that the race would be tight between Shane Wright and Slafkovsky for the top pick but you figured the Montreal Canadiens would have to take the Canadian kid. Then the days leading up to the draft there was a lot of chatter that Slafkovsky could be the pick. And then last night with the 1st overall pick in the 2022 NHL Draft, the host Montreal Canadiens select…

For over a year, Shane Wright was labeled as the #1 pick. Then when last night came around, not only did he not get taken off the board 1st overall but New Jersey didn't need another center with the 2nd pick. Then Arizona decided to stick with their plan and take Logan Cooley with the 3rd pick. Finally the fourth overall pick came around for Seattle and somehow Shane Wright fell into their lap. 

And that's when he hit the Habs' draft table with one of the most vicious death stares I ever did see. 

You can go ahead and circle December 6th on your calendar right now because that first game that Shane Wright plays against Montreal should be a doozy. Unfortunately the Kraken and Habs will only play each other 2 times per year for the entirety of Shane Wright's career unless they somehow meet up in the Stanley Cup Final. So it's not like they'll have a ton of chances to really build up a rivalry. But if that death stare is any indication, Shane Wright is going to treat every game he plays against Montreal like a war. Could be a good thing, could be a bad thing. We'll have to wait and see how it all plays out whether or not Montreal made the right call here. Either way, I think a lot of Western Conference teams are going to hate Montreal for giving Shane Wright that extra motivation heading into his career. 


Sidenote: From one extreme draft reaction to another, you had the death stare from Shane Wright followed up by the conception smooch from Maveric Lamoureux's parents. 

Can't wait for the younger brother to get drafted in 2040. 
