
TJ Warren Is Headed To The Brooklyn Nets. Now Why Is That?

Abbie Parr. Getty Images.

We're still waiting for the financials to come out, but I would imagine this is a minimum deal. The Nets do have their TPMLE ($6.6M), but I would be pretty shocked if they gave him that much money given what his last two years have looked like. On the surface, this probably feels like a nothing move. Someone was going to land TJ Warren for a low price, it just happens to be the Nets. It's as simple as that right? Or is it?


We're not done with the Windy memes yet right? It's too good. I refuse to be done with it.

Let's think about this for a second. Why would TJ Warren do this? Certainly, there had to be better teams out there, ones that are actually contending that would be interested in his services. He's a giant question mark given his health issues, but if you catch a prayer and he's actually healthy, the dude can play

So, is he thinking that Kyrie and KD are actually going to end up staying in Brooklyn and that's his best chance to win a ring? Did they actually give him the MLE money and it's as simple as that? 

Or, does he know that the Nets are about to blow this shit up, trade both KD and Kryie and suddenly there's a team that could offer Warren legit minutes after two years away? Look, they are signing these random depth pieces left and right

This could be the classic

"hey we're about to blow it up but still could bring in some potentially good players that we have no idea if they can still play but if it works out we'll look like geniuses!"

Again, a healthy TJ Warren is a near 20ppg scorer who is wildly efficient and showed in the bubble he can take over a game on any given night. You combine that with whatever you get back in your trades and who knows, maybe you could flirt with the play in! OK, maybe that's a little aggressive, but it makes sense for Warren to go to a team that's going to offer him legit minutes. Unless the Nets are about to pull off a couple trades, I'm not sure BKN makes sense. Just look at their roster. At the wing spot alone you have KD/Curry/Harris/O'Neale/Simmons/Cam Thomas etc. That's a pretty big logjam for a guy that probably wants a chance to show he's still got it.


Hopefully, this means the KD/Kyrie trades are on the horizon, because they basically are holding the NBA hostage at this point. Nobody wants to do anything in terms of trades until that shit is figured out, because why would you give up assets before you know for sure whether or not you could land KD. That's why you have to look at the breadcrumbs in terms of what else the Nets are doing. The trade for O'Neale, the signing of Warren, Patty Mills coming back, my guess is these guys see the Nets as a place where they can get much more run, even if the team kinda stinks.

So buckle up. My guess is the Woj/Shams bomb about KD could happen at any moment. I don't buy those reports that this could take us into training camp. Classic diversion tactic. Just make sure your notifications are on because whatever it ends up being is going to be monumental.