

Dylan Buell. Getty Images.




Holy fucking moly. Everyone take a second and compose yourself. Take a few deep breaths and I'll be here when you get back




Talk about a fucking Woj bomb. To say I was NOT expecting to see that series of tweets is the understatement of the century. Those 10 seconds when we saw the Brogdon news but no player attacked was the most terrifying 10 seconds of my life. Everyone knew Brogdon made too much money for the Fournier TPE, which mean this was going to have to be a player for player thing. Derrick White? Gulp, Marcus Smart?


Brad pulled this trade off by giving the Pacers all their garbage players and a 1st round pick. Look at that package again!!! 

Aaron Nesmith/Daniel Theis/Malik Fitts/Nik Stauskas/Juwann Morang

None of those players played outside of Theis, and he was unplayable as the playoffs went on. That is literally their bench trash! The Pacers wanted Grant which I get but they didn't realize they were dealing with Hardball Brad and Hardball Brad doesn't give you want you want. He makes you take what he's willing to give you. Unbelieveable. Simply unbelievable. Not only that, but the Celts still have their massive TPE! They are still in on Thomas Bryant as a vet min guy. It's all coming together better than ANY of us could have possibly anticipated. As it stands now, this is what we're looking at right now with the Celts roster


I mean, yup. That plays. The two biggest areas of need for the offseason have been addressed and they haven't even touched the Fournier TPE yet. Who saw that coming? This is why you have to be patient this time of year. We as fans on Twitter have no fucking idea what is going on.

Now let's talk about Brogdon the player. My biggest pushback when previously talking about Brogdon was when people said the Celts needed to trade someone like Smart for Brogdon. That never really made sense to me. His injury risks are VERY real, the shooting from deep is somewhat similar as are the passing numbers over the last two years. A one for one swap is not something that I felt made the Celtics better. There's a difference between doing that and adding someone with Brogdon's skillet to the PG combo of Smart/White. This gives Ime so many more lineup options and brings in another facilitator and playmaker while keeping the core intact. That has been my stance these ENTIRE 2 seasons. The core works. We know the core works. It should be about adding to that core, not removing pieces from it. When Brogdon has been on the floor he's certainly been effective

even with the questions about his outside shooting (which are real).

Just look at that proposed bench lineup compared to what we just lived through. Celts go from basically 6 guys deep to 8-9 in a playoff series. Defensively, I love this. Just think about it. You're an opposing guard that just had to deal with the DPOY. He goes out and two legit defenders in White/Brogdon come in. There's no weak link. Your roster is now filled with legit options should someone go down with injury. You have lineup flexibility like you read about that you can mix and match depending on matchup. You have ways to rest your best players to make sure they aren't burned out by the playoffs.

And maybe most importantly, everyone gets what they want. Anti-Smart people who wanted him traded for Brogdon or a "playmaker" got their wish in terms of someone being brought in. Us that are not Anti-Smart are relieved he wasn't traded and are happy the skillset is added to the roster. Everyone should finally be able to get along now! I will say, seeing as how Brad is very unpredictable, we'll have to wait and see if this move is a precursor to something larger, or maybe now Pritchard is more expendable if you have to use the TPE, time will tell.


For a guy who literally had zero front office experience, Brad is having one hell of a start to his GM career. The worst thing he's done is what? Sign Schroder for the MLE? A guy which he traded the second it became clear it wasn't working? Brad is fleecing people left and right it's wild. I didn't know he had this in him but boy am I glad he does.

I now cannot wait to see what the next move is. You know it's coming, but what it ends up being is anyone's guess.