
Is Nothing Sacred Anymore? The NBA Will Be Replacing The "Pick Is In" Jingle With The State Farm Jingle

Et tu, Adam? I've long been numb to Roger Goodell running the NFL's soul through a paper shredder in the name of Straight Cash Homie and knew Rob Manfred only cared about MLB's bottom line when he called the World Series trophy a piece of metal. But for some reason I thought Adam Silver was above all that sort of bullshit, even though he looks like the aliens from Star Wars that cloned humans to then sell them off to fight the aforementioned war of stars.

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Yeah yeah yeahhhhh, I know the NBA already slaps advertisements on jerseys that probably continue to do so until it looks like a NASCAR driver's jacket and you don't even have to watch the draft anymore since Woj and Shams tweet out every pick minutes if not hours before it happens. But as a wise man that works within these walls once said, #somethings are bigger than sports. Or I guess in this case money. Namely that beautiful chime right before a team makes a draft pick.

Now instead of hearing that magical chime that reminds you of some random dude reading a name off a card or the ESPN fantasy league you are in, you are going to think of Chris Paul, Cliff Paul, Jake from State Farm, or whoever character they are pushing down our ear drums to sell another car insurance plan. I know professional sports is a business and all that shit. But is nothing sacred anymore? I guess I just missed the days when the game was pure without an ounce of corporate marketing hanging above everyone, like when players and fans could take in a day game at Wrigley Field.

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Okay, maybe not the best example. Nonetheless, mark today June 23, 2022 as the day that Adam Silver slowly began to kill the NBA. 

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Okay, that was a little dramatic. But I really liked the old jingle. All that being said, the PC Richards whistle playing at Yankees games after strikeouts is oddly the perfect soundbite at a game.