
Rumors Keep Swirling That The Bulls Are After A Big Man This Summer. John Collins and Rudy Gobert Both Linked To Chicago

Things are HEATING UP in Chicago. Sounds like one way or another the Bulls are going to make some sort of significant change to their core. Karnisovas has apparently decided that even if totally healthy the Bulls with Lavine, Lonzo, Demar, and Vuc isn't enough to get to the Finals in the Eastern Conference. They were a GREAT team to watch in the first half of the regular season, but once they started piling up games missed by Lonzo, Caruso, Lavine, etc the Bulls slowed. By the time the playoffs started I think everyone realized it was going to be over quickly and ugly like sex without Roman. 

I am torn on these rumored moves. Supposedly the package for Gobert would include Vuc, Coby White, and the 18th pick. The Bulls desperately need rim protection and defense. Gobert is an upgrade there, obviously. The question then becomes do the Bulls have enough offense without Vuc and Coby. That's a combined 30 points a game that would need to be replaced. I guess the hope and formula would be that the added defense plus the development from Patrick Williams and Ayo would mitigate the loss of that production while creating a more well-balanced team offensively and defensively. Is that a significant upgrade? I don't know. I would need people smarter than me to break that down, but on the surface it makes sense. 

I've seen people questioning the deal because Gobert is about to turn 30. I personally don't think that matters at all. This core probably has a pretty short window to a take a run as currently constructed simply because Demar is on the wrong side of 30 too. The only way this window gets extended is if Patrick Williams develops to the point that he overtakes Demar as the #2 option at some point down the road. I suppose that is possible, but not sure it's likely either. I'd say go for it with this deal. We know what Coby White is. We ran the experiment with Vuc. We saw what won in the East. The Bulls will need to defend better and Gobert solves that problem.