
Fidel Castro (Yes, Really) Is Now Launching Homers in the Reds' Minor League System

Look, I know they're down 10-4 in the seventh inning. But the Daytona Tortugas did not do nearly enough with this tweet. You have FIDEL CASTRO not only on your team, but hitting his first home run. The material writes itself.

"A missile to right."

"Fidel put this pitcher in a crisis."

"Much like this baseball, Fidel Castro is back."

There needed to be a meeting when Fidel was called up from rookie ball to Daytona outlining a PR strategy for however long he's there. You either have to go all in or never acknowledge his first name publicly. But this business of tweeting out homers casually mentioning his name like it's John Smith is not gonna cut it.

I want Fidel Castro to become the best hitter in baseball. And if he stays with his current organization, he'll play in the big leagues for the Reds. You can't make it up.