
Folks, WWE Legend Kelly Kelly Is Once Again Asking Us To Come Together And Give Her Bikini Advice

So here I am catching up on last night's AEW (which is awesome) while I saw this come across my desk. Barbie Blank aka Kelly Kelly is out here asking us for help. Well let me tell you something folks. If I see someone in trouble and asking for help, we're going to help. Somethings type moment here. You may think this is just a reason to post Kelly Kelly pictures, but this is to help! 

So should she take that bikini to Mykonos? Clearly the answer is yes. Let's not kid ourselves here. But this is America and we can vote on such things here. So leave a comment  yes or no. If you vote no I need a damn good reason why.

Growing up in the Attitude Era and never missing a Monday Night Raw or Nitro, it was important to have a Diva crush. Kelly Kelly quickly took the No. 1 spot when she arrived. I wonder why? 

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Okay, yeah, it was a reason to post Kelly Kelly pictures. But she needed our help, I swear! Man the Attitude Era was awesome.