
Congrats To Jack Grealish On Being The Hands Down Winner Of Man City's Parade Day

I'm not here to make fun of Man City fans today. I'm not going to do it even if AC Milan fans shows them how to really show up for a parade. 

Oh no, this is all about Jack Grealish, who easily won the parade yesterday. We had it all from drinking and dancing to drinking and singing to making fun of Newcastle players to even calling himself the best. Honestly? I loved it. I'm not a Man City fan. I'm not even a huge Grealish fan. But this is what parades are supposed to be about. 

We had him talking about how he's the only one to beat Kyle Walker 1v1 and that's why Pep signed him

You know the line hits when you make your manager laugh. Not even a fake laugh, Pep loved that line. You even have him firing shots at his own teammate. He's out here thanking Bernardo Silva for coming off in the 70th minute as the main reason they won. 

I know that voice. That's the voice of a man who has been enjoying himself for an extended period of time. That's on the line of bender and trying to keep it rolling. We've all been there. Again, this is reserved for parades. I want my guys to let loose and not be afraid to have a good time. Don't worry though. Silva made sure to fire back. 


Coming onto the stage with two drinks? Vet move. This is the go-to move at any wedding. You know the exact moment I'm talking about too. The moment that they are getting ready to introduce the bride and groom or knock out a couple speeches. Always, ALWAYS get two drinks for yourself at the table. 

You get the two drinks at that time so you look like this later in the evening.

Then there's this one. The one that got soccer Twitter talking about. Grealish decides to take a shot at Newcastle's Miguel Almiron.

That's just a clean shot, not even a ricochet shot. Clean as clean can be. Grealish decided to make the comparison and go with it. Good, don't hide how you feel no matter how drunk you are. Impressive performance from Jack Grealish and well worth the ridiculous money Man City paid to get him.