
Sorry Ass Arsenal Delivered The Most Pathetic Celebration After Blowing A Spot In The Champions League

Ohhhhhh you HATE to see it. An entire band out here with the celebration of blowing a Champions League spot to your better and hated rivals? Rough. Some would say pathetic. Okay, I would say pathetic. You can't be out here celebrating blowing that spot in the last two matches and finishing below Tottenham for the 6th year in a row. Again, Arsenal lost to Newcastle last Monday. All they had to do is beat the 11th place team. Now they have to watch Tottenham play in Champions League while they play on Thursday's in Europa. 

I couldn't imagine being a fan here celebrating too. It's basically like you made the NIT. It matters if you're Texas A&M or something like that. Maybe Arsenal is a team like A&M. Trying to make it back, come up just short but still go crazy. Maybe this is them just accepting they are who they are now. 

Or they could avoided all of this by not losing to Tottenham. A true shame. A true shame.