
Slip And Slide Kickball Is Where Life Is At

Another one by the Intern Slave Brosh. Give him hell.

This has to be one of the best things I have seen invented this summer. Like someone call Cuban and get these church kids on Shark Tank. Sure, there’s probably the bros who have probably made a replica of CBP to play wiffle in all summer. I’m sure there’s a place in Philly that has the most bad ass corn hole setup. But everyone has officially been outdone by a freaking youth ministry. You know their parents dropped them off at the beginning of summer thinking they would “Get closer with god” but here they are knocking each other out and sliding into baby pools. This game evens the playing field because if you have ever tried to run on a slip and slide you know that there is at least a 27% chance you tear an ACL with every step and these kids are going as hard as possible. I love it. The best part about this game is that theres never a moment where you take your eyes off the field. Even if you’re not kicking or in the field, you still keep your eyes on the field to see who is getting laid out next or who might need surgery at the end of the game. The scariest part is how they refer to it as “Kiddie Kickball”. There is nothing kiddie about this. Regardless, someone call the Pope and tell him to make a quick detour on his way to Philly and stop over in Russell, PA.

[Editor’s note: I can hear my ACL’s pop just watching this. No thank you.]