
NO! NO! NO! Miles Robinson, One Of USMNT's Best Players, Tore His Achilles And Is Likely Now Out For The World Cup

No, goddamnit no. Miles Robinson was such a key player for us to qualify for the World Cup. He became a staple in the back 4 and I loved everything about his game. Now he's likely out after tearing his Achilles which is one of the worst sounding injuries out there. You hear so many horror stories about it and I'd prefer to never do that. It leaves a massive hole in our starting 11 for the World Cup. Do you go back to John Brooks? Do you go with Chris Richards? What about Aaron Long? Cameron Carter-Vickers is having a quiet awesome year, could he come back? That said, it's likely a two-man battle between Richards and Long. That said we won't know until we go through some friendlies here in June and start to see how Gregg is thinking of filling his spot. 

All I know is this sucks. I really, really liked that back 4 of Dest, Zimmerman, Robinson and Robinson. It worked. We had the perfect blend and they were coming together more and more through each match. That's where it sucks. A non-contact injury ruined all of it. 

Now that said, we still have a fucking awesome team. I'm going to say it. We still have Pulisic and Reyna and Dest and McKennie and everyone else. I still have high expectations for this group in Qatar and going forward. I refuse to let one albeit major injury ruin that for me. I'm still going to go crazy for this weird ass World Cup. I'm still planning on doing content with Chief for it. To use a quote - these colors don't run. 

Just get healthy Miles and rehab and come back better than ever.