
Inside The NBA Continues To Dominate TV By Going Out And Waging War With Kevin 'The God' Durant By Using Barkley And A Bus

Simply unbelievable. Every time I think this show reached its peak, they go out and do something like this. It's why I don't want them to ever break up. Even Ernie Johnson took a break from trying to control Shaq and Barkley to get into this little war. Now just a reminder it all started with Barkley talking about how Kevin Durant has never been a bus driver. Meaning he's never been the leader on a title team. He rode the 'Steph Curry' bus was basically what Barkley was trying to say in terms of getting under KD's skin.

Naturally, it's Kevin Durant so he spent all day responding yesterday: 

Goddamnit I hate how much I respect KD for calling himself the God. So outrageous that my hands are tied. I can't stop laughing that one of the most talented players to ever play this game also is an elite guy on Twitter and openly calls himself stuff like this. It's great.


Anyways, back to Inside the NBA. They naturally go out and deliver a bus for Charles Barkley to drive. What a move. This is how you know they just don't care. They put Kevin Durant's head on the bus even! 

Even funnier is the gigantic red arrow pointing to the lever to shut the door and Chuck just ignores it. Drives with the door open right through that gate. Best show on TV and it ain't close.

Now as for Durant, I think there's some weird debate. You can argue who was better on those Warriors teams between him and Steph. He's obviously failed in Brooklyn and that's for sure on him but also Kyrie and everyone else for being there. But this is what happens when you're this talented and get swept. You're going to catch hate. 

Can't wait to see who Barkley pisses off next.