
The Playoffs Have Officially Started Now That We Have A Controversial Kick To The Dick By Chris Paul

Ah there it is. The replies to Hollinger here are pretty split in terms of whether or not Chris Paul tried to kick Jose Alvarado in the dick or not. This is how I know the playoffs have started. I know it's started when I have to defend Chris Paul. He's my guy. Easily on my list of 5 favorite players ever. Now I can also admit he may or may not have a history of hitting dudes in the nuts - most notably Julius Hodge. 

Oh and would you look at that: 

Hodge has a pretty good sense of humor when it comes to Chris Paul now. He's openly talked about the play 


Now back to this play with Jose. I don't know man. That's not a clear kick in the dick. That's not a Draymond kick in the dick. Paul is for sure extending the leg to try and draw a foul but he's not aiming for the dick. Alvarado wasn't even in front of him before the leg was extended so it was more of a weird luck type play. 

This is Jose doing what he does best though. He's getting under Chris Paul's skin. Jose Alavrado is the definition of a pest. I'm also well aware that Chris Paul is never going to get the benefit of the doubt here from people. He's a serial dick hitter. He's a serial dirty play guy. But the only time he's truly crossed the line was Julius Hodge. He's just a massive asshole which every smaller guard is. I mean that as a compliment too. Alvarado is an asshole. 

Side note college hoops rant: that Wake team was so loaded. Jamaal Levy was before his time and basically the same body and player as Tayshaun Prince just not as good. Eric Williams was a MONSTER in the middle. Then obviously you had Chris Paul and Justin Gray - still one of the better shooters I've seen. Then a bunch of sneaky good players. Vytas Danielus, Trent Strickland and Taron Downey. I said it before but my old man went to Wake so I watched A LOT of Wake - shit I wore 22 my entire life because of Randolph Childress. That said, this team should have made a Final Four. One of the all-time let downs. 

My official ruling on Chris Paul: Let him play and keep Scott Foster away. But you have to let Ben Mintz sit behind the Suns bench in New Orleans.