
Nobody Loves The Sixers More Than Drake And That's Just The Cold Hard Truth

Mark Blinch. Getty Images.

Huge win last night for my man Drizzy. Huuuuuuge win. Going into a hostile environment like that and coming out on the other end with a commanding 3-0 series lead? After his boy and MVP Joel Embiid delivered the dagger in overtime?

I mean what more could Drake possibly ask for? Guy has been waiting his whole life for this moment. He's been waiting 3 years to avenge the Kawhi shot. And last night he finally got a small little taste of that sweet, sweet vengeance. He even got to have a 1-on-1 chat with his favorite player after the game. 

Certain guys get off and being humiliated. I'm not here to kink shame Drake. If getting shit talked by a gigantic goat is what does the trick for him, then let the man live. That's the face of pure joy right there. Complete and total ecstasy. 

Mark Blinch. Getty Images.

It's just a shame the rest of Toronto can't share is Drake's amusement. A bunch of good ol' folk up there North of the border who unfortunately can't appreciate greatness when they see it. Probably the same reason why they ran Phil Kessel out of town. 


The good news is the Raptors getting swept will give them more time to focus on the Leafs blundering the greatest offensive season they've ever had with another 1st round playoff exit. Anyway, can't wait to see Drake at Wells Fargo Center to ring the bell for game 1 of next series. 
