
Gregg Popovich Ended The Season In Peak Form - Grumpy As Hell That Someone Asked Him If He Was Retiring

I know Pop rubs people the wrong way, but I love it. You can't argue about his success on the court and that lets him be this prick to the media. He's going to be blunt, he's going to be a jackass and I'm not going to get mad. Those are the rules when it comes to Pop's interviews. I mean hey, he just lost. What do you want him to say here? Yeah man, I'm out. Go get me my wine. 

And sure Pop has gotten a pass for being an absolute dickhead, but I don't care. I've had a soft spot for the Spurs. Manu is one of my favorite players ever. I grew up watching Tim Duncan at Wake Forest. Tony Parker's floater is something that should be taught to kids the moment they are born. There was just always something about that group that had me cheering for them outside of the 99 Finals. 

I understand that reporters ask this question all the time, but has it ever worked? I don't think there's ever been a time where a coach responded that they are retiring right there on the spot. If there has been one, let me know because I can't think of one. They always give some sort of 'I'm the coach of said team' answer. 

The Spurs are in a weird spot. They aren't tanking because Pop refuses to tank. They have this young talent in Murray, Lonnie Walker and Keldon Johnson. They took a chance on a guy like Zach Collins. They have a decent young big man in Jakob Poeltl. Yet they weren't on national TV this year. It was easy to forget about the Spurs, which is somewhat insane to say. 

Either way it's good to see Pop still in peak form after getting eliminated. Plus, I'm not ready for another 'Bill Self to the Spurs' rumor to happen which does every single year.