
Rivalry Hate Doesn't Sleep: Chelsea And Man City Fans Got Into A Pre-Match Brawl In Spain ... Despite Not Playing Each Other

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Oh you think just because Man City and Chelsea weren't playing each other that would stop them from fighting? Jokes on you, Madrid. That's why there was extra police in the area. You had Chelsea against Real Madrid yesterday and Man City against Atletico today in Champions League. But you see sports rivalry hate doesn't sleep and that's ESPECIALLY true in European soccer. You put a couple fans, excuse me, hooligans in the same city and they are bound to come to blows. That's just how it works. Part of the game. 

Tough day for Chelsea though. You get into this brawl, tough to say who won. You get hit by some police batons. But really the kick in the dick was the loss to Real Madrid. Down 3-1 aggregate coming into this leg, get a quick early goal to cut it to 3-2. Score again right after halftime to push it 3-3. Get a goal taken away on a controversial handball 


Chelsea finally scores again to go up 4-3 before Luka Modric pulled out some wizard shit on this pass. 

And then finally the dagger in extra time. 

Now we need Atletico to finish off Man City and let the destruction of EPL teams continue. Either way just know if you put a couple teams together in a different country there will be a brawl.