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Oscar Pistorius, "Just Wants To Get On With His Life"


Oscar Pistorius, the double-amputee track star charged with the murder of his girlfriend, is considering asking a South African court to ease his bail conditions, his lawyer Kenny Oldwage said. The athlete, known as the “Blade Runner” because of his prosthetic running blades, reported to a police station in Pretoria for the first time today after being released from custody on Feb. 22, eNCA TV said. While Pistorius, 26, will resume training, he won’t take part in competitions, coach Ampie Louw told reporters last week.

“He just really wants to get on with his life,” Oldwage said by phone today. Magistrate Desmond Nair granted Pistorius 1 million rand ($113,000) bail last week before his trial for the shooting death of model Reeva Steenkamp, 29, at his home in Pretoria on Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day. The athlete, who says he thought she was a burglar, doesn’t pose a flight risk and isn’t predisposed to violence, according to Nair. Pistorius must hand in his passports and guns and can’t drink alcohol or return to his Pretoria home, Nair said. While lawyers agreed that he would report to police twice a week, Nair didn’t include that in his order, eNCA reported, citing Medupe Simasiku, a spokesman for the National Prosecuting Authority.


I don’t know if this is his lawyer paraphrasing or if this was a direct quote from Oscar sent through the grapevine but either way I love it. So cocky. Everyone will say, oh man how could he say something so callous and terrible, well yeah, I get that, but at the same time, that’s a factual statement. I mean murdering your smokeshow girlfriend has to be one of the most stressful things a person can do. If Oscar just wants to get back to being a regular legless South African bro who can blame him? Its like when you break up with a long term girlfriend and you reach that point where you just want to be done with it, for it all to be over, except in this case instead of breaking up with your girlfriend you just shoot her in the head and pretend it was in self defense. We’ve all been there. Sucks to be Oscar Pistorius right now, besides, we should probably cut the guy a break, I mean his girlfriend literally just died.


Oscar’s brother, who is also now facing murder charges for running over someone, is named Carl. I don’t know why that cracks me up but it does. Oscar and Carl sound like a gay Mexican couple living in San Francisco. Maybe own a couple of Scotties that they dress up in sweaters when the fog rolls in off the bay. Just dominating life through and through. Either that or Carl is a black cop from Chicago who lives next to the biggest nerd on planet earth. One or the other.