
Turns Out Cain Velasquez Might've Been Shooting At A Man Charged With Molesting His Daughter Last Week

NBC Bay Area- Former UFC star Cain Velasquez, arrested on suspicion of attempted murder following a shooting in the South Bay Monday, may have been targeting a man suspected of abusing a family member, sources tell NBC Bay Area.

Police say Velasquez is suspected of shooting a man in the area of Monterey Highway and Bailey Avenue. The victim suffered non-life threatening injuries. Last week, sheriff's deputies arrested 43-year-old Harry Eugene Goularte at a San Martin day care center. He's facing charges of lewd acts with a child, but he is currently out of jail on his own recognizance without any bond.

Police sources close to the investigation as well as friends of the family tell NBC Bay Area one of the alleged abuse victims is related to Velasquez.

The statement of fact written by the investigating detective states the victim reported the abuse occurred in the day care bathroom, and the victim saw other children go in there with Goularte as well, but that Goularte denied any wrongdoing, saying he once just helped a child put his pants on correctly.

Sources say Goularte and his father were in the car Velasquez allegedly shot at on Monday. Golarte's father is the one who was hit.

Well....holy shit. This changes things completely.

Allegedly, some scumbag was arrested for abusing a family member of Velasquez (thought to be his daughter) at day care last week, got out on bail, and Cain chased him and his father down, trying to shoot him, and he hit the man's father (non-fatally).

I was waiting to blog this til a real news source confirmed the rumors, but we've been chasing the smoke to this fire since MMA insider FightOracle sorta broke the news earlier....

....and now it seems that all may be true, according to this report from NBC in the Bay Area. It certainly makes more sense than a random road rage incident from a guy who has never displayed any anger issues in his life.

I mean, I was STUNNED to find out Cain was involved in a shooting last night, SHOCKED finding out he was the one pulling the trigger this morning....but now it all lines up. If this guy was abusing Cain's daughter like this report indicates, I'm just upset Cain wasn't a better shot. That is the most scum-of-the-world shit imaginable and if anyone ever touched one of my young family members I'd want to go full on Grand Theft Auto on their asses as well.

What happens from here, though? Cain straight up chased these dudes down in his car and shot the guy's dad. He's facing 15-to-life for first degree attempted murder. Do these additional details change anything in the court of law? I think they change the WHOOOOLE story in any rational person's brain, but obviously you can't just let people murder scumbags even if they're scumbags? Otherwise we got a bunch of vigilantes running around? I don't know what the answers are. 

This is a horrible situation from just about any angle you look at it from. Best wishes to Cain's friends and family; I can't imagine going through what they're going through right now.