
Ben Simmons Is Going to Take Over the NBA Now That Kyle Korver Is Fixing His Jump Shot

I have long been a Ben Simmons hater. I find him remarkably unlikable and don't particularly enjoy watching him play basketball, either. But I have now been put in a pickle.

Kyle Korver, one of my favorite players ever as well as the most underrated shooter of all-time — all this not to even mention 1/5th of the January 2015 Eastern Conference Player of the Month, no big deal — is fixing Simmons's jumper. Crybaby Benny is going to become a lethal weapon from behind the arc now and the rest of the NBA might just be fucked.

I have no clue how much of a difference Korver can make in a guy whose jump shot looks like an elementary school kid shooting on the 10-foot goal after they take down the 8-footers from their game. But if there's anyone I trust to teach anything, it's Korver and shooting a basketball. Ben Simmons is going to become a 6'10" Steph by the time Korver is done with him.

If Simmons can somehow become even just competent enough to knock down a wide open corner three from time to time, the Philly fans will be beside themselves. All you had to do this whole time was hire somebody like Korver to work with this guy and maybe he wouldn't have sit out half a season and forced his way out of town. Sad!