
This Kid Getting Yelled At By His Parents For Looking Up "Butts" On The Internet Brings Back Some Great Fucking Memories

Oh man this is awesome! This feels like a time machine back to 2006 for me & I'm sure 99% of you reading this are feeling the same. exact. fucking. way. There was simply no greater thrill than hopping on Google or Yahoo! or whatever your preferred search engine growing up was and trying to find some of the *best* content the internet has to offer if you know what I mean.I mean I had times where my friends and I would literally rendezvous after school every Friday to do some searching in the 2nd grade before we got busted big time. And when I say busted big time I mean busted BIG TIME. It was a low-light of my early years for sure, though we had to survive & advance. 

Hell there was a point that by the time we were in like 6th or 7th grade I am not ashamed we would make literal power point presentations about our top 10 *most beautiful* actresses or models. Shoutout to Carmen Electra for getting that dub many times over. So, trust me, I know exactly where this kid is coming from as he's panicking his life away in this video. I just wish I could've been there to coach him through it. Mom will be angry for a bit though she'll get over it. Dad is secretly proud on the inside, but is too scared to show it and/or he was the one actual doing the googling and if so a bonk is in order for him. 

Nonetheless though this made my day. Really brought me back to childhood. Amazing.