
1000s of Rats Were Found At A Family Dollar Distribution Center -Which Would Never Happen At The Dollar Tree- Causing Hundreds of Stores To Close

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WEST MEMPHIS, Ark. — More than 1,000 dead rodents and birds were discovered at a Family Dollar Distribution center.

FDA inspectors said they made that discovery at the store’s West Memphis distribution center, and because of that, more than 400 Family Dollar stores are temporarily closed.

WREG was first made aware of the rodent problems at the same warehouse in January by former employees. One former employee shared a video with WREG of someone offering food to a rat. Weeks later, regulators have stepped in to address the issue.

“It’s 61 aisles in the warehouse, you’re going to see them from aisles one to 61,” former employee Robert Bradford said. “They be running around, they be on the floor inside the boxes.”

After conducting an inspection, the FDA says it found live and dead rodents in various states of decay along with dead birds, which inspectors believe contaminated products kept at the facility. As a result, the agency advises consumers to not use certain products shipped from the warehouse.

A 2019 health inspection detailed rodent droppings on store shelves at a Hickory Hill Family Dollar store, causing the store to close. See the story below.

Huge story coming out of West Memphis this weekend. Personally, I don't get what all the fuss is about. If you're sourcing your meats and cheese from the Family Dollar, it might be a reasonable expectation that some silly ole rats have been swirling around your food for weeks on end. Honestly, I thought that is where the discount came from which is why this story is mostly a much to do about nothing. If the rats arent in the Family Dollar distro center, it would be wholly unreasonable to have items only cost one dollar. You're just asking for ruin. For instance, did you know that any root beer you find in a Family Dollar is only one dollar? That's right, my friends. It doesn't matter if it's a 12oz can, 20oz bottle, 16 oz glass bottle, 2 liter, or even a 3 liter (should you be so lucky), that bottle is only one dollar. Lunacy. 

Sure. A rat might have pissed on that bottle of root beer but that's the reason it's so cheap. In my opinion, you let a rat piss on the bottle and it knocks the price down around 50 percent, that's a damn steal. Hell, find me a couple of thousand rats to rip a long hot stream down the engine of my 2014 Toyota Tundra. I'll take that discount straight to the bank. There's a reason I still toss my cans of beans on the floor before putting them on the conveyor belt for the cashier to ring up. It's called a discount, haters. 

That being said, I think we can all agree that the Family Dollar is really going above and beyond here. If I was calling the shots, we'd just put out a few of them glue mouse traps, a couple of chunks of cheese, and we call that son of a bitch a day. We've done all we could, tbh. We ain't closing down 400 Family Dollar Stores. No sir. Cant do that. If you do that, you're missing out on literally dozens of dollars of profits. In this economy? Well, that just seems as foolish as buying your root beers from a traditional brick-and-mortar store… god forbid a machine where they are charging 1.25 for a fucking can these days. Outrageous. The rat bastards. #OpenUpFamilyDollarWithNoRestrictions 

PS: This would never happen at the Dollar Tree. The Dollar Tree is far too fancy to allow some Family Dollar Level abominations to happen. If you want discount rat piss root beer, take your ass to the Dollar Tree or The Dollar General. You wont see that kind of shit at the Dollar Tree. You'll only see nice quality plates and mugs. They use the thick type of ceramics there. Trust me on this. Their plates are nice as fuck.