
People On The Internet Are Saying Aaron Rodgers Got Dumped For Dick Butkus

Enough people for Dick to address the allegations directly: 

We talked on Red Line the other week about it but I’m not really sure what to make of Dick Butkus on Twitter. Obviously I love the trash talk but am I led to believe that this is actually Dick Butkus behind the keyboard? The most feared linebacker in the history of the worlds most violent sport? This is the same man who explicitly denied the opportunity to talk to the Illinois football team the same day they dedicated a statue to him on campus. He was like No Thanks I’ve Already Said Enough despite literally not saying one word. This is the same guy?

Personally I hope so. Professionally I’m saying no way. Personally I want this to be very badly. Professionally I’m obligated to smell the bullshit. Way more fun to look at this personally. Therefore I’m saying this is 100% Dick Butkus. Im a kid in denial about Santa. I need this to be Dick Butkus as bad as I need a fat man coming through my side door with a Super Nintendo.

In that case - Aaron Rodgers should very obviously be terrified of Dick Butkus because he takes absolutely no fuckin prisoners. I’ve never seen anyone like Dick Butkus on Twitter. All he does is talk shit and make great observations. I feel like this is how sportswriters documented his play in the 60s. Just a force of nature smashing people with simple yet overwhelming ferocity. Aaron Rodgers is just another victim.
