
SHOCKING: Egomaniac Coach K Reportedly Refused To Let Duke Hire Tommy Amaker So He Can Keep Control Of The Program

[Post] - Duke University wanted to hire Harvard basketball coach Tommy Amaker last spring to replace the retiring Mike Krzyzewski, even going so far as to offer him the job.

However, Coach K talked his former player and assistant out of taking it so he could ensure his preferred candidate would succeed him, according to a new book by New York Post sports columnist Ian O’Connor.

In retirement, Coach K believed he would maintain more control over the program through the 34-year-old Scheyer than the 56-year-old Amaker, sources told O’Connor for the book. Scheyer has never coached anywhere else, while Amaker left Duke in 1997 for Seton Hall.

Well I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that Coach K would do such a thing. Wanting to retire but keep control of the program? I never could imagine an egomaniac would do such a thing. Might as well change the name of Duke or Blue Devils. Actually, don't change the name of the Blue Devils because nobody looks more like their mascot than Coach K. That needs to stick. Maybe just slap his face as the Devil and we're cooking with gas here. 

Obviously everyone knew Coach K would pick his successor. That wasn't exactly shocking. But how about the reasoning he had to leave Amaker out? 

O’Connor reports that Krzyzewski held a Zoom call with Amaker last year and had what a source described as “a very difficult conversation” with him. Coach K explained to Amaker that if he left Harvard to join the Duke staff as a successor-in-waiting for the 2021-22 season, the move would force the demotion of a Blue Devils assistant and “create an awkward dynamic with Scheyer.” Realizing that he didn’t have his mentor’s blessing, Amaker left the call “heartbroken,” according to someone close to him.

Oh no! What if Scheyer is hurt! No coaches ever get hurt or not get the job. Wouldn't it also just keep Scheyer the same? Like he'd still just be the top assistant after one year. This isn't even a knock on Scheyer. Who knows if he'll be a good coach. We literally have nothing to go on with him. This is just the least shocking thing ever that Coach K wants control of the program even when he's gone. He's going to be pulling all the strings and remind everyone he doesn't get credited for losses. It's all Jon's fault. 

It's just good to know we can all continue to hate Duke with Coach K there. He might not be on the sidelines but it's still his program. That keeps the hate alive. That and idiot fans with no ties to the program whatsoever and talk about 'their' team while going to like St. John's. Needed to keep that hate alive.