
Nobody Is More Fired Up About Ben Simmons Getting His Ass Shipped Out Of Philly Than Joel Embiid

Zhong Zhi. Getty Images.

You think about all the shit that Joel Embiid had to endure with Ben Simmons. First you had Ben being softer than baby shit and not being able to handle playing with Jimmy Butler, so he got the Sixers to move on from Jimmy. Ruined precious years of Joel's prime with that move. Then you had Ben Simmons being one of the worst basketball playing humans of all time in that series against the Hawks, which again wasted a precious year of Joel Embiid's prime. Then Ben threw his temper tantrum this summer and the Sixers made Joel Embiid get up there and basically S the dude's D to the media talking about how much he loves playing with Ben Simmons and how much he helps their team. Which is all bullshit, but Joel swallowed his pride and did it anyway because he cares. 

So finally that coward gets shipped out of town and up 95, and how does Joel Embiid celebrate?

Now I'll be perfectly honest--at first, I wasn't nearly online enough to understand this reference. But as soon as someone told me what the meaning behind the original meme was…

…yup. That'll do it. Joel Embiid has finally been freed from that chocolate chip cookie straight out of the oven soft coward. A quitter who may have ended up becoming a character in the NBA, but he sure as shit doesn't have any. No character, no honor, no integrity. Just a little baby back B who couldn't handle the faintest hint of constructive criticism. He quit on his team, he quit on the city, he quit on Joel Embiid. And now that Ben Simmons is wearing another jersey?

Well I just can't wait to see how mercilessly Joel ends up bullying him whenever they play the Nets. You know for a fact that Ben Simmons will circle every game in Philly as a "scheduled maintenance" day. But even the games that are played in Brooklyn. Joel is going to make him cry as he drops a quick 40 on him. Sixer Era Ben Simmons is dead, and Joel Embiid is here to piss all over the grave. 


PS - Emergency First Time, Long Time - 
