
RIP Pie-Oh-My! Tony Soprano's Beloved Horse Has Passed After 23 Wonderful Years Of Life

NO, NO, NO! This is a sad day for the Sopranos community out there as our beloved Pie-Oh-My has passed away after 23 timeless years in what's a FANTASTIC life for a horse. The pony's actual name was Goldie and was obviously loved by all for her role as Pie-Oh-My since it seemed like that horse was one of the few things Tony seemed like he truly loved. We all know our guy loved pets and there was no pets he loved more than Pie-Oh-My that both won him and a bunch of money and he just had an odd affinity for. I mean look at this ending scene to an episode! When are you ever going to see Tony Soprano sit down and hangout solely to comfort another being?

NEVER will you see that again! So I felt like I had to do a quick little write-up in honor of Goldie the horse for giving us the most immaculate Sopranos character that is not a speaking human. Till next time, old friend. Hope you enjoy pony heaven with the likes of the other legends up there including Barbaro and Secretariat! RIP in peace.