
The Olympics Should Not Be This Damn Hard To Watch Or Follow

Let me be clear, this isn't a Leslie Jones blog. This is an Olympics blog. Frankly I don't care about Leslie Jones besides I can't stand how she yells at me during Supermarket Sweep. If you were going to reboot that show you needed my guy David Ruprecht and his sick sweaters. This is about how goddamn impossible it is to follow along and watch the Olympics. This is something that has been talked about the last couple of years. Yeah, I get there's a time difference. That's not the problem. The problem is I have no idea what's going on because it's impossible to say something about the Olympics on Twitter without getting a DMCA. 

I love the Olympics, especially the Summer. But give me hockey, speed skating, bobsled, luge and crazy shit like downhill skiing and I'm going to tune in. But now it's good luck figuring out if it's on NBC, USA or Peacock. Can't even go to the Olympics Twitter account to get a schedule because they have no idea how to operate. This is their most recent tweet. 

As for NBC Olympics? This is their most recent tweet. 

We don't need that. There's a reason basketball plays on Twitter. We can tweet whatever clip we want without the league freaking out. The fact is we need stuff on Twitter because our entire generation lives on the Internet. Shit, we can barely put an Olympics blog together because you have to find a clip that you hope someone has out there of something you saw. I'm not risking my Twitter account getting taken down because I want to clip something funny. 

Take away all the political bullshit, the Olympics are objectively awesome. Every four years it's a great event to have on and watch. It simply shouldn't be this tough. How is there not a schedule that shows me what events are live at what time each day? Seems simple enough that a network can put out there. 

I could barely tell you what's going on in these Olympics outside of a couple of the biggest stories? Nathaniel Chen having a perfect outing in figure skating. Eileen Gu winning gold. I watched the downhill skiing and saw that was mayhem. Also might be taken place outside of Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. 


You're talking about the biggest sporting event in the world every four years. This shouldn't be this goddamn hard.