
NSFW: Pennsylvania Pizza Place Accidentally Sends Out Ad With Enormous Sausage

Yesterday I got tagged in the pizza ad above and for the life of me could not figure out why. Was there a bad word, or a horribly misspelled one? Did this person think "at first bite" was close to Dave's "one bite"? We get tagged in/DMed stuff all the time that people think is WILD when in reality it's often pretty tame.. was this another case of that? 

I looked at it several more times just to be sure and suddenly there it was...






Ah! Of course, right there full of cream. A solid 6.9 on the pizza ad scale. 

A small town restaurant accidentally putting that clip art in their ad which then got sent out to tens of thousands of people seemed too good to be true. I wanted to be sure I wasn't getting trolled so I headed on over to Chiaro's FB page and sure enough it's the real deal. 

I can understand how a small business would be devastated by this mistake, especially during covid times, and I'm sure they're taking some flak here & there..  but scrolling the comments there seemed to be nothing but love & people saying how much they needed that laugh. Some also pointed out that Chiaro's has done a lot of good in the community. 

Plus, I feel like people are willing to overlook almost anything in the name of a good pizza, and according to Bergen, the gal who brought this story to my attention, their pizza is indeed very good. Cannolis, too. 

They've been slinging pies since 1976, are BYOB, and have 3 locations between Allentown & Philly, in Pennsburg, Green Lane and Sellersville, PA. If you're in that area do them a solid and get yourself a pizza for dinner. And be sure to ask for a cappuccino with dessert. Support small businesses with accidental big d*ck ads, everybody knows the rules. 

