
The NBA Is Officially Testing Their Own Version Of RedZone!!!

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Coming off a football high, earlier today as I was scanning the interwebs/reading all the latest NBA trade rumors etc, and I randomly had this thought

I am most certainly not the first or only person who has thought the NBA should find a way to have their own RedZone. Anyone who watches on a nightly basis has had a similar feeling. Especially when there are like 10 games on at the same time and it's filled with close games. Yeah, you could get League Pass or find ways to watch online, but that's not the point. Obviously, RedZone is already a smash hit with the NFL and even if the sports aren't exactly similar, it was a concept that seemed like a no brainer.


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Hell yes. Even if it's rough at first, I am begging the league to stick with it. Figure out the kinks as they come. This is something that most fans have been begging to see for years, I am pleading with Adam Silver to not have a short leash with it. It most likely won't immediately be as awesome as the NFL version, but who cares. Anything is better than nothing. 

Give me a basketball octo-box. I do have some questions that I'll be interested in seeing. Is this going to be like 4 hours of commercial free basketball…every night?? I feel like you can't call yourself RedZone and then have commercials. Yeah showing big plays in clutch moments is part of it, but the whole idea is that I should not have to move from my couch or my office for multiple hours at a time. That's half the fun of RedZone. Let me be a complete piece of shit and inject nothing but basketball into my veins until I fall asleep. That's a dream I want to live.

And wouldn't you know, as soon as I finished typing that paragraph we got our answer!


So yeah, I'm in on this idea. Basketball fans everywhere should be in on this idea. If it takes off, it's only a matter of time before it's on our TVs rather than the app or on a desktop version. Adam Silver man, first he created the play in tournament, then he fixed the brutal foul rules, and now this. Next up all he needs to do is eliminate the "take foul" and we'll really be cooking with gas. What a guy.