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Ben Roethlisberger Officially Announced His Retirement On Twitter

So I guess it's a good thing that Big Ben unblocked all of Twitter since I don't think a retirement announcement counts if nobody can actually view it. Say what you want about Ben Roethlisberger over the last few years when his best play was throwing lobs down the sideline to the Steelers perennially great wide receivers. That guy was still a motherfucker to deal with on the field ever since he was a rookie and I'm sure fans of every opposing AFC North team is happy he is gone no matter how washed he looked because he would almost always rise from the dead against them like Michael Myers on Halloween even if he was moving at the same speed.

18 seasons without ever having a losing record, two Super Bowls, and the man responsible for what might have been the craziest play I ever saw during an NFL game.

Forget being the QB that finally led him to a Super Bowl. Jerome Bettis owes Ben Roethlisberger for life after that tackle. Now Ben and his talking walking boot can finally rest.

Also I love the final shot of the retirement announcement that smashed the word METAPHOR against my head unlike anything I've seen since the rat from The Departed. 

Watch your ass Scorsese because Big Ben is coming!

UPDATE: Had to include Jerry's goodbye to Ben


Crazy that we lose two legends that carried their respective franchises for years to retirement on the same morning…