Man Donates His Kidney To Save The Life Of His Girlfriend's Mom. Girlfriend Dumps Him A Month Later And Marries Someone Else

A TikToker has recounted the moment he was dumped by his girlfriend - weeks after donating his kidney to her mum.

In a series of videos, Uziel Martínez, from Baja California, Mexico said he had heroically stepped in to save his ex's mother by donating the organ.

Sadly for the teacher, donating an organ to his mother-in-law wasn't enough to rescue his relationship, which ended less than a month after the operation.

After going viral, the TikToker addressed the attention, insisting he was over the breakup and that there was no bad blood between him and his ex.

He said: "Actually I’m fine, I’m fine emotionally, I think so is she. I have nothing against her, we are on good terms.

"We are not friends, but neither do we hate each other. I only did it to make a TikTok. I didn’t think this was going to get out of control.

You know what they say..."why buy the cow if that stupid cuck cow will give you his kidney for free?"

This guy is getting all sorts of support and sympathy on tiktok. This video has 2.4M views and he now has 45k followers. All it cost him was one of his vital organs. Me...I don't feel bad for this guy at all. The article in the Mirror UK which I quoted above called him a hero. No he isn't. You know who the real hero is? The daughter/ex-girlfriend. Think of how many times she had to fuck this guy who she CLEARLY was not attracted to and didn't love for him to give a kidney to her mom. She saved her mom's life by sucking this cuck's dick. That is dedication. That is work. That is grounds for Sainthood for the daughter. That is a daughter's love that knows no bounds. As soon as the deed was done and the donation complete she moved on with her life and married someone else...her mother in the front pew at the ceremony thanks to not to her ex, but to her. 

This guy still hasn't learned his lesson, it seems. "I'm fine emotionally. I think so is she". Yeah, bud. She is living a life with her husband and her mother. You're the guy down a kidney. He talks as if he is just waiting for a girl to DM him so he can lose another vital organ. All-time loser. A generous, self-less, live-saving, fucking LOSER.

PS: I was shocked to find out from a quick google search that losing a kidney doesn't shave any years off you life. 

Still though…when a girl asks you to donate a kidney you gotta say something like "I am saving my kidney in case our kid needs it after I get you pregnant tonight". Bam. See if she runs off with another man after a line like that.