
Idea For SNL: Stop Being Such Fucking Pussies



During the NBC broadcast of the National Football League on Saturday, a promo ran multiple times for a television program called "Saturday Night Live", or "SNL" for short. SNL is a weekly sketch comedy show...or at least it used to be a comedy show. I'm not even a big time SNL hater, it still has its moments here and there, but they are very few and very far between, and it's incredibly unfortunate. I like to believe there are some very funny people working at SNL, both in the cast and in the writer's room. But when it comes time to put comedy on TV, they are such fucking pussies about it. Here is the aforementioned promo for a comedy show they aired during a football game:



Honest to goodness, that is the most atrocious attempt at not only comedy, but promotion, in the history of the world. Not only is it a slap in the face to everyone watching football at the moment, it's an affront to comedy in general. Eddie Murphy is rolling in his grave. That was something they scripted, agreed upon as "the one", and took to air in an attempt to get people to watch their show. Imagine? You're SNL and THAT is what you have decided is comedy? It's disgusting. Like, literally disgusting. I grew up on SNL. We had all, and I do mean ALL, of the best-of VHS tapes in our house. Dana Carvey was basically my hero for a good chunk of my early teen years. Can you imagine Chris Farley doing some hack bit about "herp derp what are sports herp derp"? He would pile drive a writer through a table before he put his name and face on something so terrible.

So fast-forward to the actual show itself. Note: I was unable to get through the following sketch. I don't expect you to watch it either. But the fact it exists and I couldn't get through all 2 minutes of it says a lot:



So they took the viral Elmo video and just…made it less funny. They didn't put any sort of edgy spin on it, they didn't advance the joke in any shape or form, they just watered it down and made it unwatchable. 

I could not have said this better myself:



And why? Because it seems SNL is content just being pussies. Not taking risks. Not taking chances. They take the most obvious joke every chance they get. Francis (#RehireFrancis) did better and funnier sketches weekly. I don't know why SNL is just so ok with being so generic and bland. How does nobody look at that promo or 90% of sketches and be like "this is absolute complete shit."? Like, do these people know what funny is? It's so strange to me. 

But I think it boils down to everyone is scared to take a chance. To ruffle a feather. To think outside the box. Look at "I Think You Should Leave With Tim Robinson". Every sketch takes a risk. And wouldn't you know it, he worked at SNL first and they rejected sketches that he later used on ITYSL. He's literally the best sketch writer/performer going right now and SNL took him off the cast after 1 season and made him only a writer, and then rejected the stuff he wrote. Amazing.




I don't know if it's a Lorne Michaels problem or what, but it's downright embarrassing what SNL has become. It should be a place where the best and funniest comedic minds come together and produce laugh out loud comedy every week. Instead it's a jumbled mess of guys and girls reading cue cards, making jokes that are better suited for Young Sheldon. 

Another sign SNL is full of pussies? They fired Shane Gillis, who is pound for pound (no offense) my favorite comedian right now. If you haven't watched his special on YouTube, do it immediately. Just an awesome comedian. And I saw him at Caroline's a couple weeks ago, and his new stuff is even funnier. I was stunned by how funny it was. Not because I didn't expect it to be funny, but I've seen a lot of stand up and he went places 99% of comedians wouldn't dare go. It was jaw droppingly funny, guy is gonna be a mega star sooner than later. If he's coming to your city, go see him, I promise you'll leave like "holy shit, I can't believe what I just saw". But SNL fired him for some old jokes, and now he's thriving. Amazing how that worked out, eh?

Maybe SNL is unsalvageable. Maybe this is just what it is now- dumb, bad comedy for lemmings and idiots. It's shocking to me you never really hear cast members be like "man, that show sucked ass", presumably because of the politics behind the scenes and a paycheck is a paycheck so you shut your mouth and say your dumb little lines. But it's fucking tragic what that show has become, and that promo, for me, is the iceberg that sunk the Titanic (RIP). If that is their idea of comedy, count me out. Again, I have zero idea how that is the one that makes it to air, but it's one of the worst things I've ever seen and I hope they are all embarrassed by it. If I was drowning and the only way to be saved was to sit through that again, I'd dunk my head myself.