
Nothing Gets The People Going Quite Like A Senior Hockey Fight

Senior hockey is essentially just travel beer league. A bunch of guys who scrounge up whatever change they have floating around their cars for ice time, puck drops on Sunday and they're back to regular 9-5 on Monday. Although being able to show up to work at 9am would be sleeping in by a few hours for most of these guys. 

And that's what makes senior hockey so great. These guys don't give a shit if they have to wake up in a few hours to go back to their construction job. For the 60 minutes they're on the ice, it might as well be game 7 of the Cup Final. If that means they show up to work the rest of the week with their lip busted up and their skull caved in from a line brawl? Then so be it. That's the love of the game. 

Just make sure you check the skeddy. 
