
The Giants Just Ran A Designed QB Sneak Up The Middle On 3rd & 9 From Their Own 4 Yard Line. Yes, This Is Real Life

I am at a loss of words right now. Like I don't have any words to describe what I just saw. And don't get it twisted, I came into this game with absolute rock bottom expectations from this offense. But that is flat out give up football. I would've rather watched the Giants sneak the punter onto the field and punt on third down because Washington wasn't expecting it than watching them run a QB sneak on third down AFTER THEY RAN ONE ON 2ND DOWN, which I thought was to give his team more room to run something other than a QB MOTHERFUCKING SNEAK.

I'm not even mad or embarrassed because I don't know if I can even feel those emotions towards this team anymore. I'm just at a loss of words that they can still do shit like this after what we had previously assumed was rock bottom.

Luckily some other Giants fans had some fitting words to break this all down.

Chicken. Shit. Football. Not that we aren't used to the Giants shitting down their leg at the end of halves.


That is truly one of the most impressive stats I've ever seen.

Meanwhile let's see what the longtime punchline Lions are doing today with their coach who preaches never giving up against a divisional opponent.

No franchise deserves this turnout more than the blue team playing in MetLife today. What a joke.