
Congratulations to the 2021 Picks Central Gambler of the Year

It’s me motherfuckers. Congratulations to me. Well over 2,000 plays for the year (just the ones I submitted for the show) and came out positive units. No multiple unit plays were allowed or I think I would have came up even more but if you know anything about gambling, playing that many plays and being up on the year is incredibly impressive. I took money from those motherfuckers in Vegas. I finally got em. After years and years of eating devastating body blows and some vicious KO shots to the chin I picked myself and kept battling day in and day out and I finally beat those bastards. A true David vs Goliath story.  Vegas/casinos in general are a big powerful bastard. There’s a reason they build billion dollar operations and invest hundreds of millions of dollars in renovations like it‘s pocket change. They always win. Well not this time. Not against me. I did it and you bet your ass I’m proud of it. Pound for pound (I’ve got a shit ton of them) I’m sticking my stake in the ground as the best/most consistent gambler as the company. I come with winners day in and day out. Women lie, men lie, but numbers don‘t. Peep the stats, bitches. 

Being up a combined over 57 units in football and over 37 units in baseball is no accident. I’ve put legitimate time and effort and research into putting my picks together and I’m super appreciative of everyone who’s followed along and tailed the picks over the last year. Hope I was able to make you guys some money. Here’s to repeating as Gambler of the Year in 2022, we’re already off to a good start.