
The Music City Bowl Refs Need to Be in Jail

This blog was supposed to be about what an unreal game Tennessee and Purdue played in the Music City Bowl today. Ninety points in regulation. Four touchdowns scored in the last five minutes.

And then the officials rules this not a touchdown in overtime. I truly don’t know what to say. I know people are prone to hyperbole in situations like this, but that’s the worst call I’ve ever seen in a college football game and I’m not alone in that sentiment.

I’m obviously ready to jump off the pedestrian bridge next to Nissan Stadium as I blog this from my phone, but no neutral observer wants to see such a great game end like that, either. It was stolen from Tennessee.

I want an investigation into these officials and then I want them to spend a decade or so in jail. The kids didn’t deserve this.

Nobody with a semblance of a brain thinks that game is actually a Purdue win. I hope those refs are really proud of themselves.