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The New York FUBAR Giants Continue To Embarrass Their Fans With Ex-Scouts And PR Guys Arguing On Twitter About Why The Franchise Is A Shitshow

I thought we had reached the point of the season where the Football Gods got tired of kicking the corpse of Giants fans with an array of calamities outside of the occasional meaningless win late in the season that fucked up Big Blue's draft position. 

However, former Giants scout Steve Verderosa started lighting up his former team's front office like pretty much every defensive lineman that isn't being blocked by Andrew Thomas lights up whatever sad soul is the Giants QB1 any given Sunday. I've grown pretty numb to stories like this since the Giants have been an outright disaster pretty much my entire time working here at Barstool, except for the season where this fucking guy somehow guided the G-Men to the playoffs.


Since it's the Christmas season, the Football Gods decided to give us one last gift by having the Giants former head of PR tangle with Verderosa and make a franchise that used to be known as the class of the NFL look like all the other teams that have been circling around the Top 5 of the NFL Draft over the last five years.

Don't get me wrong, nothing beats some drama between that worked together. If shit goes down here at Barstool, you know the blog detailing the beef will be pinned to the top of the Top Stories section on the front page. Plus any Giants fan that knows who Pat is knows full well he is going to fight until his dying breath defending Big Blue, which I imagine most people who worked at a family company forever would do.

What came out of this however was an alleged former scout airing out just how shitty both this Steve Verderosa guy was at his job along with a bunch of other fixtures in the Giants front office.




I'm waiting for The Carpenter to confirm all this but not one word of this is shocking to me if it were true. We've heard about the Giants front office being antiquated as well as full of employees on scholarship due to the ownership being loyal to a fault and the product on the field confirms the incompetence of everyone in charge. Well everyone outside of Gettlefinger who clearly has been ahead of the curve for years considering he grinds film using a Wii.

On the scale of embarrassments, I am going to place this firmly as a Medium Pepsi. Not the biggest thing in the world but enough for fans to take notice. I never thought I'd see the Giants reach this level in my lifetime, ESPECIALLY after those two incredible Super Bowls in four years. Yet here we are a decade later with nothing but losing seasons, embarrassing stories, and total lack of leadership from the top-down. 

I'd be angry or sad if I hadn't become comfortably numb to all this. Instead I'm just going to tune in to John Mara assuring us he's going to fix everything for like the fourth time in five years after this season is over, pull off a few half measures to keep the angry Giants fans at bay, then be back to meaningless games in NOVEMBER again. Fuck this team man.

Whatever. It's Boba Fett Season. Subscribe to My Mom's Basement YouTube for our breakdown as soon as it drops. If Star Wars can bounce back from the sequel trilogy by hiring a few smart people who truly care about the franchise, than even the Giants can.