
Everybody Should Attend America’s Game Once

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With Memphis/Hawaii being cancelled today, there is no football on Christmas Eve. Now is as good a time as any to finally write a blog about my incredible experience at Army/Navy a couple of weeks ago at MetLife Stadium.

I had wanted to see the Army/Navy game live for awhile but never had the chance living in the South. I woke up on a December Saturday morning on a balmy day in the mid 50s and decided to seize the day. The game was at MetLife instead of in Philly because it was the 20 year anniversary of 9/11.

I have family ties to both sides. One grandfather was a naval surgeon and the other was an advance scout in Argone Forest in World War 2.

I tweeted out that I was looking for a ticket and a Stoolie immediately hit me up with two in the upper deck. Thanks to Jake Grusemeyer. We had a big time.

I met up with Kate & Captain Cons to tailgate before the game then went in.

As one would expect, the national anthem and fly over hit A LOT different than in a normal game. Despite being bitter rivals, the feeling of playing for the greater good of America gave the game such a unique vibe.

The game was fun too. I was pleasantly surprised by the creativity of both offenses early before the game hunkered down, Both fan bases were rabid and as intense as you would anticipate in a huge rivalry game. Army led 13-7 at halftime.

I met up with Frank and Duggs at halftime. Always a pleasure to see The Units in the wild.

And I got chil bumps everywhere when Lee Greenwood sang “God Bless The USA”! We might live in a bitterly divided country but that was not on issue in this Saturday at MetLife.


Navy shut out Army in the 2nd half and ended up winning 17-13. I of course lost my bets on Army -7 & the 1st half Under but I left feeling like a winner regardless because I am proud to be an American. There’s no sporting event I ever felt that more than Army/Navy and I love how much Barstool Sports supports America’s Game!

I already look forward to attending again next year and recommend checking it out once to all Americans. Hell, even Dave Portnoy said it was his 2nd favorite game behind New England Patriots Super Bowls.

Thanks to my Baton Rouge friends from GameCoinGMEX for donating $100,000 to Barstool’s Viva La Troops promotion supporting the Fischer House and SemperFi Fund!