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'Everyone Hates That Motherfucker': Listen to This Awesome Story About How Detested Urban Meyer Is Among Other Coaches

"Because everyone hates that motherfucker and they would be punching him in the face so much, nobody would lay a hand on me."

Everyone despises noted scumbag Urban Meyer to the point that he's the first to come to someone's mind to use as a human punching bag in a brawl of coaches. You absolutely hate to see it.

Personally, I can't believe a man known for treating people like Zach Smith with such loyalty and respect would be this disliked among his peers. I'd be willing to bet he managed everyone with that same level of esteem.

Ok, maybe not.

I'm shocked the Urban Meyer Experiment in Jacksonville went down in such a blaze of glory. I can't believe there was nobody out there who could have foreseen such a terrible ending on the horizon. Real shame.