
Reddit And TikTok Came Together To Spam Kellogg's Job Application Site So That They Couldn't Hire 1,400 Scabs In An Attempt To Permanently Replace The Workers On Strike

There's people out there who believe minimum wage jobs to be right and true under the belief that "if you wont do it, someone else will." Which, to their point, is largely true. A lot of people are down bad. Catastrophically bad. And those people will take a minimum wage position because some money is better than no money at all, even if it means you're taking food off another person's table. It's a vicious cycle. A cycle that gets smashed to fucking smithereens when you remove the replacements from the equation, which is what Reddit and Tiktok have accomplished thus far with the Kellogg's Strike. 

1,400 jobs. 1,400 people who, during the holidays, are standing up to be treated slightly more humane. Not be forced to work seven days a week for shit pay with shit benefits. It takes gargantuan, ironclad balls to stop working knowing scabs are waiting to cross those picket lines and come take those vacated positions. And I can't really blame those people, either. Scabs are painted in a negative light, which is understandable, but these people aren't exactly crossing picket lines in Bentley's, either. You got poor people undercutting other poor people while the people at the top maintain their status quo. You remove that competition, which is what happened here when Redditors posted the job openings and TikTokers crafted the code used to logjam those application websites, and you've got a real dilly of a pickle for the heads of Kellogg's. Which is a shame. A real shame. 

"You know what it means when they pay you minimum wage? It means they don't give a fuck about you... You know what they're trying to tell you? 'Hey, if I could pay you less, I would. But it's against the law.'" - Chris Rock